Valena Gonzales, MA is a Unit Director for Sequel Youth and Family Services, an intensive residential treatment facility. She is currently in her 6th year at the Courtland, AL program. The population served are adolescent, at-risk males, ages 12-18. One area of their treatment includes severe behavioral issues, with diagnoses such as Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorders, Schizophrenia, etc. The other population served are residents with sexual issues, such as sexual misconduct, addictions, paraphillia, etc.
She has worked as a clinician since 2008. The majority of her experience is working with clients with depression, anxiety, suicide prevention, addictions, alcohol and drug counseling, severe behavioral issues, and sexual misconduct. She also has experience counseling clients with intellectual disabilities. She has worked as a clinician for preschool ages 3yrs+, up to geriatrics. She has worked as a Juvenile Court Liasion for Colbert and Lauderdale County Juvenile Court, as a member of Lauderdale County Juvenile Drug Court, in-home counseling, in-school counseling, and alternative school counseling.
She graduated from the University of North Alabama with a Bachelors of Science in Communications, with a Masters of Arts in Community Counseling, and as a member of Chi Sigma Iota, Counseling Honor Society.
In her free time, you will find her volunteering with her children's school activities, on a ball field or court with her children, weightlifting, or visiting the beach as often as possible!!
Since her time in working with children, she has adopted the quote, "Our bodies weep the tears our eyes refuse to shed." She shares this quote often as her way to reach out and engage her clients, as a way to accept and have others accept the misunderstood behaviors children exhibit, due to the lack of knowledge and experience in expressing emotions.